

Aug 23, 2024

Margrethe Vestager gives AmCham members EU Policy Update

On August 23, more than 80 business executives gathered at Gorrissen Federspiel’s offices in downtown Copenhagen for an EU Policy Update with Margrethe Vestager, the Executive Vice President of the European Commission for a Europe fit for the Digital Age.

In her remarks, Vestager highlighted strength of the EU leadership and the need for EU to enhance its competitiveness, which she described as the “invisible crisis”. She proposed a path forward: finding common solutions, ensuring these solutions are fully implemented, and doing so with urgency.

In addition, she urged a focus on R&D investments and market access. She stressed the importance of improving digital skills in the EU and faster decision-making while advocating for a revitalized transatlantic trade agenda, noting past missed opportunities.

Following her remarks, Vestager engaged in a lively Q&A session, touching on a variety of important issues including the EU single market, Trade & Technology Council (TTC),  and transatlantic regulatory alignment.

As the voice of international business in Denmark, AmCham is pleased to offer members access to policy makers like Margrethe Vestager. Thanks to all who joined, and for Gorrissen Federspiel for their generous hospitality.