To Solve Your Toughest Problems, Change the Problems You Solve

What’s Your Problem?

Livestream Event: To Solve Your Toughest Problems, Change the Problems You Solve

AmCham Denmark, in partnership with Tatarklubben, invite you to join Harvard Business Review author  & Corporate Educator Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg on how to solve your problems by reframing them.

The coronavirus has turned everyone into problem-solvers, at work and at home. But are you and your people solving the right problems? According to Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg, author of the just-published book “What’s Your Problem?” from Harvard Business Review Press, 85% of companies say their people too often jump into solution mode. As a consequence, we waste our much-needed energy on the wrong things.

The answer is reframing. In his seminal book, Thomas shares a method for solving the right problems that he has honed through his work with clients such as Cisco, Microsoft, Citigroup, and the Wall Street Journal. Crucially, the method can be used quickly – an imperative for the present moment, as nobody has time to waste. Come learn a new way of thinking that just might save your business – or as former Google CEO Eric Schmidt put it, “If you want the superpower of solving better problems, read this book.”


About the Author
Based in New York, Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg has spent the last decade studying the practical aspects of innovation and problem-solving in the workplace. He coauthored Innovation as Usual and as a corporate educator, he has taught this book’s framework to clients all over the world, including Microsoft, Citigroup, Time Warner, Prudential, UBS, Deloitte, and the United Nations. He is originally from Copenhagen, Denmark.