About Us
The American Chamber of Commerce in Denmark is part of the global AmCham network and is accredited by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. As the leading business organization for U.S., Danish and International companies, AmCham offers its 230+ members a strong platform for success in both Denmark and the United States.
As the Voice of International Business, AmCham is committed to building a competitive business environment in Denmark and proactively assist Danish companies entering the U.S. – currently Denmark’s largest market.
AmCham Denmark is a non-governmental NGO located in Østerbro, across the street from the U.S. Embassy in Copenhagen.
Read more about the AmCham organization, membership tiers, pricing and our value propositions in our brochure here.
Our Value Proposition

Contact AmCham
AmCham Denmark
Dag Hammarskjölds Allé 13, 3
2100 Copenhagen Ø
+ 45 33 932 932