AmCham at Folkemødet: Drop-in American Barbecue Lunch
AmCham Denmark is delighted to welcome members and invited guests to a Drop-In American Barbecue Lunch at this year’s Folkemødet – Saturday, June 17 starting at 12:00 at Hotel Allinge on the Danish Island of Bornholm.
Don’t miss this opportunity to experience this great Folkemødet tradition where business meets BBQ. Participants at this exclusive event will include executives from AmCham member companies, senior U.S. Embassy officials, Danish government & political leaders, and “Friends of AmCham”.
The informal lunch is a drop-in format, which means that you are welcome to arrive and leave in accordance with your schedule.
If you plan to attend, please register below at your earliest convenience (max. 2 participants per company).
The AmCham Team