AmCham’s Security Forum: Meet the New RSO
AmCham’s Security Forum, in partnership with OSAC and the U.S. Embassy’s Commercial Service, is pleased to invite you to a security briefing with the Embassy’s new Regional Security Officer, Robert (‘Eli’) Whitney.
Mr. Whitney began his three year assignment to the U.S. Embassy in Copenhagen as RSO in December 2020, and we are pleased that he has agreed to provide a security update from the perspective of the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security and its Overseas Security Advisory Council.
We hope you will join us to hear the latest information.
About Robert “Eli” Whitney
Mr. Robert “Eli” Whitney is a native of Edmond, Oklahoma, and is serving as the Regional Security Officer at the U.S. Embassy in Copenhagen, Denmark. Mr. Whitney has previously served as the Regional Security Officer in Cape Town, South Africa and done multiple tours as an Assistant Regional Security Officer in U.S. Consulate General Karachi, Pakistan and U.S. Consulate General Dubai, UAE and U.S. Embassy Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Prior to his career with the Department, he worked in the natural gas industry for eight years working in West and North Africa, Middle East, Latin America, and Asia.