Chinese Investment Strategy and the Business Impact
AmCham’s Security Committee, in partnership with the U.S. Embassy and OSAC, is pleased to invite all interested stakeholders to a discussion on Chinese investment and industrial strategies. The discussion will focus on how it impacts the transatlantic cooperation and businesses on both sides of the Atlantic, and will be led by Matt Ferchen, a non-resident scholar at the Carnegie-Tsinghua Center for Global Policy specializing in China’s political-economic relations.
From trade tensions with the United States to China’s expanding economic footprint in Europe, the need for international business leaders to understand the confluence of Chinese industrial, financial, and investment strategies has never been greater.
Featured in publications such as Foreign Affairs, Caijing, the Diplomat, EL PAÍS, the Review of International Political Economy, and the Chinese Journal of International Politics, Ferchen will address Chinese policy and strategy formulation, discussing opportunities and obstacles for transatlantic cooperation, as well as the impact on businesses globally.
Join us for this highly relevant discussion.