Featuring former U.S. Presidential Advisors

Corporate Crisis Planning & Management

Corporate Crisis Planning & Management

AmCham, in partnership with the U.S. Embassy are pleased to invite you to a virtual event on Corporate Crisis Planning & Management.

The sudden onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 came as a surprise to many, even as most expected a pandemic to occur sometime in the future.

Companies had to quickly adapt to extremely new and uncharted circumstances, and are now reviewing their crisis strategies to ensure they are sufficiently prepared for the future.

The event will feature communication strategist Mark Pfeifle (CEO, Off the Record Communications) who worked as Deputy Assistant and Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communication and Global Outreach for President George W. Bush, along with crisis communication expert Bob Jensen (Founder, Strat3) who led the U.S. Government’s ground crisis communication for 30+ major disasters including Hurricane Sandy, the Haitian Earthquake and the Deepwater Horizon oil spill response.

Join us as we hear tips on how to prepare your entire organization for the next crisis with team development, scenario planning, urgent communications and real world exercises.