Harvard Business Review

Lead From the Future with Mark W. Johnson

Harvard Business Review: Lead From the Future

Leaders, Do You Have a Clear Vision for the Post-Crisis Future?

As the Covid-19 pandemic shakes the global economy and disrupts the way we live, work, and conduct business, leaders are scrambling to manage the immediate fallout. But, as history proves, it’s also necessary to prepare for what’s next. Visionary leaders like Abraham Lincoln, FDR, Winston Churchill, and Nelson Mandela didn’t simply react to the most imminent threats confronting them; they also looked beyond the dark horizon. They were guided — and guided their people in turn — by their vision for a better future, after those challenges had been overcome.

The business environment that you land in when the pandemic comes to an end — may be very different from what it was before the crisis began. You need to begin preparing for it now.

In this workshop, you will learn how to:

  • Develop a mind-set that enables you to look beyond the present
  • Translate your vision into a strategic plan that your team can align around and commit to
  • Instill visionary thinking into the processes and culture of your whole organization

Mark W. Johnson co-founded the consultancy Innosight with Clayton M. Christensen in 2000. His books include Dual Transformation and Reinvent Your Business Model. He has written numerous articles, including the McKinsey Award–winning “Reinventing Your Business Model” in HBR.

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