PARTNER EVENT: Luncheon with Investment Analyst Ken Fisher
Join AmCham partner the American Club in Copenhagen for a luncheon with the world-leading and recognized American investment analyst Ken Fisher. Ken Fisher is also the Founder and Chairman of Fisher Investments, a global financial advisor, managing over USD 100 billion in assets.
Ken Fisher’s Forbes “Portfolio Strategy” column ran 1984 – 2017, making him the longest continuously-running columnist in the magazine’s history. Ken Fisher is a regular columnist for several publications, including USA Today, Financial Times, Interactive Investor in the UK and Dagbladet Børsen. Read more about Ken Fisher here.
AmCham members receive a special price of DKK 350, which includes a glass of wine, beer or soft drink as well as coffee and brownies.
To register please send an email to and transfer the participation fee to the American Club account in Danske Bank: 3306 0010 498368.