

Jan 12, 2021

The State of American Business is Resilient

U.S. Chamber CEO Urges a ‘Rally for Recovery’
In the annual State of American Business speech today, U.S. Chamber of Commerce CEO Thomas J. Donohue outlined the path for a widespread economic recovery through a bold agenda of infrastructure investments, workforce reskilling, immigration reforms, and reinvigorating America’s global competitiveness.

The State of American Business is resilient
“In the face of significant challenges, including a global pandemic and an economic crisis, businesses have adapted to survive, they have served their communities and this country, and they have put forward life-saving, world-changing solutions,” Donohue said, speaking before a global audience of as many as 10,000 (registered attendees). “The State of American Business is resilient.”

Similarly, in the wake of the violence and rioting at the U.S. Capitol building last week, Donohue also stressed the determined leadership of government. “Let me say unequivocally—violence has no place in our democracy,” he said. “But our democracy is strong. Our commitment to the rule of law is unwavering. And our government is resilient.”

America must reengage with the world
Finally, Donohue stressed the necessity for America to “reengage with the world through a bold trade agenda” to drive growth and prosperity. He said: “in recent years our resilience has been tested through trade wars and tariffs.”

Specifically, Donohue called for the end of the many tariffs enacted in recent years, paid for by American consumers, that have hurt farmers and manufacturers, and to reaffirm American leadership in multilateral organizations like the WTO and WHO.

China is the biggest global challenge
“At the same time, we all know that China is the biggest global challenge our nation faces—we must work to stabilize the relationship through strength and cooperation,” Donohue added, noting that we must capitalize on the largest fast-growing market. “At the same time we also have to confront the unfair trade and industrial policies that China uses against U.S. companies. We must work with our allies to stand up to China, while also pursuing new negotiations with Beijing to protect our intellectual property.”

Read the U.S. Chamber’s full press release here