

Jan 17, 2024

AmCham Attends Copenhagen Municipality Business Conference

Yesterday, AmCham and Stephen Brugger were invited to take part in Københavns Kommunes Erhvervskonference – a conference focused on developing the new business strategy of Copenhagen Municipality.

Lord Mayor Sophie Hæstorp Andersen kicked things off by emphasizing the importance of businesses in Copenhagen, how the cooperation between the municipality and the private sector is essential for the coming business strategy, and that Copenhagen needs to be an attractive place for foreign businesses and talent.

Her remarks were followed by three breakout panels with three different overarching themes. Stephen was selected to be a part of a panel with the theme “Copenhagen – a capital with competencies for the future”, moderated by Asbjørn Overgaard, CEO of Copenhagen Capacity. Representing AmCham and its members, Stephen argued that, among other things, it is of utmost importance that Copenhagen as a municipality dares to challenge the national government to develop a National Talent Strategy.

AmCham has been advocating for this for several years, and if Denmark sees it as a goal in itself to attract and retain foreign talent, we need to be serious about it on a national level. But Copenhagen can be a frontrunner on the issue. Furthermore, part of the new business strategy must focus on making Copenhagen an even more international and a more accommodating place for non-Danish speakers. Fellow panelist, Mayor Mia Nyegaard, agreed to a large extent, but reiterated the fact that Copenhagen is already becoming more and more international.

After the panel discussions, Bjarne Corydon, CEO and editor of Børsen, rounded things off by highlighting the importance of Copenhagen Municipality to the rest of Denmark and the public/private partnerships and cooperation.

AmCham wishes to thank Copenhagen Municipality for the invitation and the possibility to take part in the development of the new business strategy.