

Jan 11, 2024

AmCham Kicks Off 2024 with New Year’s Reception at Rydhave

AmCham members kicked off 2024 with a New Year’s Reception, which was hosted by U.S. Ambassador Alan Leventhal at Rydhave.

In his welcome speech, Ambassador Leventhal underscored AmCham’s strong partnership with the Embassy, highlighting the important work being done by AmCham and its members to strengthen the transatlantic partnership. During her presentation, Minister for the Interior and Health, Sophie Løhde shared her thoughts on the future of the life science sector, the importance of public/private partnerships, and the major benefits of the transatlantic relationship and knowledge sharing between the U.S. and Denmark.

Finally, AmCham’s Stephen Brugger reflected on AmCham member companies, who are at the forefront of collaboration, renewal & talent development – all necessary ingredients for the challenges ahead.

“For AmCham, collaboration with our many stakeholders – is key to providing true insight. Everyone has ideas on what AI, IRA, public cloud, ESG, critical minerals, taxes & tariffs, legislative proposals, political maneuvering and geopolitical rivalry mean for their businesses, however few alone can accurately assess the related opportunities and threats as AmCham’s far-reaching community can and does.”

He than thanked our members for their ongoing support and welcomed AmCham’s newest members: Cencora, Cognizant Technology Solutions, GlycoSpot, Merck, Velux & Vertex Pharmaceuticals.

AmCham wishes to extend a special thanks to Weibel Scientific and American Wine for their generous support in making AmCham’s New Year’s Reception a tremendous success.