HR Committee Discusses Employee Mental Health & Well Being
On March 31, AmCham’s HR Committee held an event on “Employee Mental Health & Well Being” at Lundgren’s Law Firm in Copenhagen. The session was the 1st installment of AmCham HR Committee’s ‘Evolution of HR’ theme for 2022.
The event examined how employers are taking a holistic approach to their employees health and well-being – and how to spot the danger signals of a person who is not thriving at the organization. In a remote or hybrid context this can be extremely challenging – and if done successfully, can be key to engaging and retaining their talent.
Employee experience and wellness company Limeade shared a study on the importance of employee well-being on business results. (Melodie Berzia & Amanda Fielder).
During the event executives across sectors shared their unique approaches and challenges, which led to an interactive panel discussion.
Speakers and presentations are below:
- Cori Petersen, Cori Petersen, Chief HR & HSE Officer, FLSmidth (presentation link)
- Cecilie Schulz Pedersen, Business Psychologist & Occupational Health and Safety Lead (Nordic / Benelux), IBM (presentation link)
- Robin Lynn Burnosky, Global Health & Well-being Lead, Ørsted (presentation link)
- Limeade (Amanda Fielder & Melodie Berzia)(presentation link)