

Jun 06, 2024

HR Committee explores AI in HR

What are the biggest barriers to adoption of AI in an organization? According to our expert speakers, some of the top contenders are: (1) fear – both of running afoul of regulations and of losing one’s job, and (2) getting rid of the ‘google mindset’ and learning how to prompt the technology for optimal results.

These were just a few of the many topics explored this morning at the AmCham HR Committee’s AI in Organizational HR event. The panel was packed with expert speakers sharing their valuable knowledge on real world tools and practical advice.

We learned from three cases, from companies leaning into the adoption of AI: Casper Goldager, Director of New Technology at KPMG, Michael Falkner, Head of Global HR Service Delivery at Rambøll and Kristoffer Brodersen, GenAI Platform Product Owner at Danske Bank. And moderating the cases was Christian Sylvester, HR Management Consultant from Sylvester & Co. A big thanks to KPMG ACOR Tax for their gracious hosting, and to our speakers and engaged participants!