

Mar 19, 2021

Netcompany Wins Public Procurement to Develop Digital Danish Corona Passport

AmCham member Netcompany has been chosen as the vendor for the development of the Danish corona passport app, which is going to contribute to the reopening of society in Denmark.

The solution is expected to be ready in May, and will be both secure and user-friendly.

“We are proud that the authorities have entrusted us with this critical task. The digital corona passport will be a vital tool in accelerating the return to a more normal everyday life in Denmark where we can cross borders more easily and reopen society, based on testing, vaccination and immunity. Netcompany has significant experience in developing society-critical digital solutions on time, and we will commit ourselves fully to deliver this solution that so many Danes are waiting for,” says André Rogaczewski, CEO Netcompany

To read more about the app please visit Netcompanys website.