

Feb 02, 2024

Nordic Investment Trends and Opportunities with Bridget Fawcett, from Citi

On February 1, AmCham Denmark, in partnership with Citi and fellow Nordic AmChams, invited members and stakeholders to a conversation with New York-based Bridget Fawcett, Managing Director and Head Sustainability & Corporate Transitions Investment Banking at Citi, on the Transatlantic Green Shift – Nordic Investment Trends & Opportunities.

Back by popular demand – and from her very unique leadership perspective at such a global organization – Fawcett masterfully informed on sustainability-focused transatlantic capital flows, with emphasis on capital access for Nordic green transition champions, covering:

  • International initiatives & agreements are accelerating climate finance at scale
  • Emergence of sovereign climate champions
  • Mandatory climate disclosure requirements
  • Transition technology innovations underway
  • Nature related dependencies moving up the agenda
  • Carbon credit market shift

On transatlantic (Foreign Direct Investments) FDIs, Fawcett explained that US-Nordic investment is likely to continue to escalate due to our long-standing and aligned joint interests, strong geopolitical interdependencies, and technological cooperation. The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) allocates $479 billion in funding towards the green shift and have already resulted in significant capital flows to climate solutions and green technology exports, with 38% in new clean energy investments.

As a member of the World Economic Forum’s Task Force on Financing the Transition, Fawcett also acknowledged the importance of collective dedication to net zero goals, accenting that capital is indeed mobile. Nordic markets’ competitive advantages, however, are well rooted in political stability and trust.

Fawcett further demonstrated that the transition is technology-driven, with clean tech outpacing fossil fuel investments by 1.7 to 1 in 2023. Along with clean tech investment, AI is beginning to scale with likely amplification impacts across multiple sectors.