

Oct 06, 2022

Risk Advisory & Compliance Summit

On October 6, AmCham Denmark, in partnership with Nardello & Co and Bech-Bruun, held a summit discussing anti-money laundering, compliance, sanctions, FCPA, and crypto, with the most significant group of experts to discuss these issues the region has seen for at least the last 20 years.

The event included a keynote by former U.S. Ambassador to Denmark James Cain, along with PET Director Finn Borch Andersen – who shared their perspective on the geopolitical factors impacting the current threat landscape, both globally and in Denmark.

The all-day sessions concluded with a reception at the U.S. Ambassador’s residence, Rydhave, with current U.S. Ambassador Alan Leventhal along with former Ambassador Cain.

The sessions were thorough and in depth, featuring top subject matter experts the U.S. and EU, most with backgrounds in government.

Session Descriptions:

  • Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Compliance and Investigations
  • Emerging Technologies: Criminal Use and Use in Investigations
  • Sanctions and Kleptocracy
  • Investigating International Corporate Corruption: US and Scandinavian Perspectives
  • Monitorships & Compliance