

Apr 21, 2021

The Road to Resilience

On April 20, AmCham Denmark, in partnership with Bain & Company and the Nordic AmChams, hosted a virtual event on ‘The Road to Resilience’ with Bain & Company Partners, Hernan Saenz and Andrew Schwedel, who provided nuanced insights into how senior executives can prepare for turbulent times.

From international trade wars and economic crashes, the Covid-19 pandemic is just the latest in a series of convulsions that pull the rug out from under exposed companies. But how do you prepare for something when you don’t know what is coming? Developing the right level and type of resilience demands a combination of long-term vision, a deep understanding of company and industry economics, and a significant dose of creativity.

To hear all of the insights, take a look at the event video on the right side of this page.

Download Saenz and Schwedel’s presentation here

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