

Feb 24, 2022

The Unbeatable Strategy of Loving Customers

On February 23, AmCham Denmark, in partnership with Bain & Company and the Nordic AmChams, hosted a virtual event on “Winning on Purpose: The Unbeatable Strategy of Loving Customers” with Bain & Company co-authors Fred Reichheld & Darci Darnell.

Industry thought leader, co-author Fred Reichheld has pioneered work in the area of customer, employee and investor retention. He has quantified the linkage between value, loyalty and profits by developing the widely adopted Net Promotor System (NPS) which measures an organization’s success in these areas. Co-Author Darci Darnell is Bain Partner & Head of Global and Americas Customer practice at their Chicago offices. As a topic expert on customer loyalty, Ms. Darnell is responsible for Bain’s solutions within customer strategy, loyalty, commercial excellence, and frequently engages on talks and writes publications on the topic.

Their book Winning on Purpose demonstrates that the primary purpose of a business should be to enrich the lives of its customers. When customers feel this appreciation, they come back for more and bring their friends— generating higher returns across a wide array of industries. This is NPS 3.0 and puts the “Golden Rule”  – treat customers (and employees) the way you would want a loved one treated – at the heart of enduring business success.

To hear all of the insights, take a look at the event video on the right side of this page.