

Aug 31, 2022

U.S. Embassy Celebrates Independence Day at Rydhave

On August 31, the U.S. Embassy in Copenhagen celebrated the 246th American Independence Day at an exclusive garden reception at Rydhave. Guests included International Diplomats, Danish Governmental Officials, and the American-Danish business community – including several AmCham members.

The reception was hosted by the U.S. Ambassador Alan Leventhal and featured an official United States color guard and inspiring renditions of the Danish and American national anthems played by the The United States Air Forces in Europe (USAFE) Band.

Speaking to guests from the garden at Rydhave, Ambassador Alan Leventhal expressed his gratitude for the warm welcome to Denmark and went on to express the importance of not only celebrating America’s founding, but to also celebrate the diversity of cultures and people that give America its strength.

For me, being American means embracing a national identity of optimism and opportunity, grounded in our fundamental belief in freedom, which is an integral part of the American identity that we are free to choose our destiny, to express ourselves freely, to participate in our political process, to practice our faith, and to love who we love.

The United States and the Kingdom of Denmark have a close partnership that is grounded in these same shared ideals an unbroken partnership dating back to 1801 when the United States and Denmark established diplomatic relations.

AmCham thanks its Board of Directors and members for their generous support in making the Embassy’s annual celebration possible.

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